

2024-04-29 23:04 来源:

Tokyo, 26 April, 2024: At the invitation of the Japanese Parliamentary Committee of the World Federation, the founding Vice Chancellor of O.P. Jindal Global University (JGU), Professor (Dr.) C Raj Kumar addressed a caucus of over 20 distinguished Members of the Japanese Parliament (National Diet), which also included the Hon'ble Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Government of Japan, Mr. Masahito Moriyama. It is truly remarkable that Prof. Raj Kumar is also the first Indian Vice Chancellor to be invited to speak at the Japanese Parliament for addressing the distinguished MPs and public officials of the Government of Japan. The Japanese Parliamentary Committee of the World Federation had invited Prof. Kumar to share his views on issues relating to India's national education policy, bilateral relations, development agenda and global governance. The committee comprised of the some of the most distinguished members of the house of representatives of the Japanese Parliament and other public officials: Mr. Mitsuo Ohashi, Chairman, Japanese Parliamentary Committee of the World Federation, Professor Masakuni Tanimoto, Under Secretary General, Japanese Parliamentary Committee of the World Federation, Mr. Kiyoshi Odawara, State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Japan, H.E. Mr. Makoto Hayashi, Deputy Assistant Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Takahiro Kanamori, Representative, Friends of the United Nations, Asia-Pacific, Dr. Hirobumi Niki, Member of the House of Representatives, Liberal Democratic Party, Dr. Masahito Moriyama, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, Mr. Seishiro Eto, Member of the House of Representatives, Former Vice Speaker, House of Representatives, Ms. Motoko Mizuno, Member, House of Councillors, The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, Mr. Satoshi Asano, Member of the House of Representatives, Democratic Party for the People, Mr. Kenta Aoshima, Member of the House of Councillors, Ms. Ayaka Shiomura, Member of the House of Councillors and Mr. Makoto Hayashi, Deputy Assistant Minister & Ambassador, ASEAN, Asian and Oceanian Bureau and Southeast and Southwest Asian Affairs Department and Dr. Sukehiro Hasegawa, Chairman, Japan Advisory Committee on Global Governance & Former Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Timor-Leste. Prof. Kumar, delivered a speech on the Indo-Japan relationship, framing it as a cornerstone for collective progress and prosperity. "The India-Japan relationship is undoubtedly the most important and critical relationship in the Indo-Pacific region." Prof. Kumar articulated five key points, encapsulating the historical, cultural, economic, political and strategic dimensions of the bilateral ties between India and Japan. We have deep-rooted ties between India and Japan, stemming from shared civilizational values and cultural heritage, including the profound influence of Buddhism as a religion and philosophy in both the countries." He recalled the outstanding courage of conviction and intellectual integrity of the distinguished Indian jurist, Hon'ble Mr. Justice Radha Binod Pal, former Judge of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East for his contribution to equity, justice and fairness in Tokyo Trials by ensuring that international criminal justice does not perpetuate the "Victor's Justice" phenomenon. He was one of three Asian judges appointed to the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, the ''Tokyo Trials'' of Japanese war crimes committed during the Second World War. Among all the judges of the tribunal, he was the only one who submitted a judgment which insisted all defendants were not guilty," he said. Prof. Kumar emphasized the enduring people-to-people connections that serve as a foundation for the collaboration between both the countries in various sectors, which also requires greater expansion and deeper engagement. The Vice Chancellor highlighted India's historical support for Japan's political development post-World War II, recognising Japan's sovereignty and integrity emphasizing India's role in nurturing Japan's resurgence and progress. India's early support to Japan for recognising its sovereignty was unequivocal and came at a time when most counties of the world were reluctant to do so in early 1950s. Drawing parallels with the evolution of Indo-Japanese relations, Prof. Kumar cited examples such as Maruti Suzuki's transformative impact on the automobile sector, showcasing the potential for innovation and economic collaboration. He further stressed that this landmark collaboration democratised the access to transportation, especially for the middle-class population in India and paved way for reforms and expansion in India's automobile sector. Prof. Kumar emphasized the alignment of democratic principles, rule of law, and respect for human rights, emphasizing the convergence of enlightened national interests and democratic values between the two nations. Prof. Kumar underscored India's demographic dividend manifested through a billion people who are less than 35 years of age, with a burgeoning youth population poised to collaborate with their Japanese counterparts for mutual growth and development.

库马尔教授强调了印度太平洋战略建设,强调了日本在确保该地区和平、稳定和可持续发展方面的关键作用。他强调,印度和日本需要长期合作,以应对印太地区和平、发展和安全方面的共同挑战。库马尔教授的演讲在日本议员中引起了热烈的兴趣和讨论。在回答议员的问题和观点时,库马尔教授阐述了印度和日本在联合国的共同努力,倡导两国在安理会获得常任理事国席位和改革联合国。此外,他重申了印度对高等教育的坚定承诺,强调了印度2020年国家教育政策中概述的卓越、公平和包容原则。库马尔教授还强调,这些原则体现在我们对卓越、多样性和机会的承诺上,我们为学生提供奖学金和机构支持。库马尔教授指出,JGU和印度其他知名高等教育机构等大学为学院建设营造了一个有利于促进卓越研究和创新的环境。最后,库马尔教授重申了印日关系的变革潜力,需要建立在两国大学之间扩大教育合作伙伴关系的基础上。他对印日在高等教育领域合作的未来轨迹表示乐观,展望了一个由卓越的研究和学术成就以及通过领导推动节俭创新来创造知识的前景。库马尔教授率领O.P.金达尔全球大学的高级别教师代表团访问日本,其中包括:金达尔大学副校长C. Raj Kumar教授(博士),金达尔G20研究全球中心战略与国际倡议主任、外交实践教授兼主任Mohan Kumar教授(博士),金达尔人文学院院长Kathleen A. Modrowski教授,法学教授兼学术治理与学生生活主任Padmanabha Ramanujam教授,政治学教授兼招生与外联办公室主任Upasana Mahanta教授(博士),JGU金达尔全球法学院法学教授兼副院长、联合国研究中心执行主任Vesselin Popovski教授(博士)和国际事务与全球倡议办公室主任Akhil Bhardwaj教授(博士)。

